t h e u g l y o n e

When my daughter was younger, she and her dad used to watch this animated computer show called Homestar Runner that would have them roaring with laughter. Days after, I’d hear nothing but quotes. One of the series within the cartoon was of a group of teenage girl stick figures called TEEN GIRL SQUAD. The introduction went like this . . .

TEEN GIRL SQUAD! Cheerleader. . . So-and-So. . . What’s-her-face. . . the ugly one!

It was absolutely, ridiculously stupid (YouTube it if you’re curious). Most of the time, I would leave them alone to watch because I could hear my brain cells screaming in agony if I lingered too long. The only thing I found amusing was that horribly catchy introduction. It seems like in comedy, the bits that get the most laughs are the ones that “touch home.” Put a little truth in the funny and people will relate and see the humor.

I found TEEN GIRL SQUAD a little funny.

So… what is the “truth” in it? I use quotations around truth because there is absolute truth, situational truth and perceived truth.

Absolute truth never changes. 1+1=2, our bodies will all deteriorate, that you can like and dislike your children at the same time, are all examples of absolute truth.

Situational truth would be like me being the smartest person in the room. . . of kindergarteners.

Perceived truth is based on your senses, intuition and your interpretation of that. Example, I may think a room is comfortable, but my friends are shivering under covers.

The Land of Perceived Truth is where most of us reside (at least that is what I perceive, get it?). It’s an old place, old as perceived time. Strolling down the avenues here is interesting. Each person in the town is seeing the same things in a different light. A beautiful, energetic dog is seen by one as loving and inviting, yet seen by another as a scary, threatening Kujo that wants to eat your face. Strangers, by some, may appear to be huge, dark, scarred individuals destined on taking everything from them, but the same person by others may be seen as a kind-looking, potential friend. Even something as simple as a smile or lack thereof, can be misconstrued as snobbery instead of just a smile or pleasant distraction.
The stores here are stocked with items that are perception based, as well. Some may see fruits, veggies, meats, fish, snacks, etc. in the grocery store as vibrant, life-giving sources. Others may see the same things as chemical or pesticide-ridden death traps intent on destroying their lives. The coffee aisle, in particular, is an interesting place. The people there are all essentially shopping for the same thing; but one more as a person seeking drugs and the other a fine wine.
The photography shop is worth a study too. All entering are looking for a device to stop a moment in time so it can be remembered. However, the shelves cannot be stocked fast enough with people purchasing filters. These filters are used to tamper down harsh realities that may distract from the “reality” a person is wanting to portray. Even more in demand than filters are post-production altering programs, allowing one to “forget” imperfections, or even add to or delete depending on how you wish to remember the photographed “memory.”
And let’s not forget the amusement park. Here you will often see people petrified with fear looking at the “roller coasters of doom,” occupied by idiotic vomit bags in motion–out to prove their fun levels. Whilst next to them is a person pushing past the crowd of statued people in order to take a ride on a track to thrills for pure joy. However, nothing gathers a crowd more than The House of Mirrors.

The House of Mirrors is the epicenter of The Land. Everyone passes through. Some people take a moment in front of the varying mirrors, feeling slightly amused or disgusted, yet are able to pull away and get on with their lives. Some, however, stand transfixed before an image that they are convinced is them. They identify with this mirror that distorts their image. They cannot break free from fixating on that image. The mind-bending thing is that those that are fixed on the jacked up reflection really want others to see them that way as well. Some mirrors make the viewer look taller and thinner, others make them look short and wide, and some are just so distorted that the resident just looks ugly. The latter two mirrors are the ones that have the most people parked in front of them. They’re grabbing their friends and family and persisting that they see them as they do when viewing themselves. This is their truth. Their perceived reality.


When friends and family refuse to believe what the gazer “sees” it leads to intensity on both sides.

Trying to drag the viewers away from this distorted image proves a daunting task. Some friends drag their friend in front of other mirrors, but this can make the person even more agitated. It isn’t that they like what they see in their mirror of perceived truth, but it has become a place of comfort.

However, some time ago, something interesting started stirring the crowd here, a sideshow of sorts. A man, calling Himself The Truth, started walking through the House, catching eyes with the powerful kindness in his own. When people look away from their image and see His instead, they break free from their fixation. He said once, “View everything through me.” Since the first day of His arrival, all the twisted mirrors have slowly begun to crack and shatter, one by one as people looked upon Him. Yet, the House of Mirrors remains. False images are re-erected daily by those bent on believing their own truth.

Absolute Truth changed everything. People who look Absolute Truth in the face, no longer know self definition by the mirror, other’s perceptions or feelings. Only the pure filters of love and grace remain, which catch the ugly along with beauty and are undaunted, holding onto the beauty and releasing the ugly as covered sin. Since that day when The Truth stepped into the House of Mirrors, people have been being set free to look at an Eternity of wonders alongside The Wonderful.


You are chosen.
You are holy.
You are forgiven and made new.
Sanctified, justified, an irreplaceable part of My family.
You are a new creation. Your heart and mind are guarded by My peace.
You are alive in Me, free from sin and covered by My love.

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you.
Isaiah 26:3

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Author Andria

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